When you take on a home painting project yourself, you’ll find an almost excessive number of paint types within each paint brand from which to choose. Though there are many choices, it can be difficult to know which paint is best for your specific painting project.
When you hire a painting professional to paint your home, on the other hand, you’ll have a wide variety of professional paint brands at your disposal, plus a painting team with the knowledge and information needed to select the best paint for your particular home and its unique characteristics.
We’ve put together a list of some of the best interior and exterior paint brands for your home. You can use this information to better understand all the different paint technologies available and be better able to have a conversation with your painting contractor about the best paints for your home.
Source: Benjamin Moore
For interior paint, some paint characteristics we believe are important are paint thickness, paint coverage or spread, fumes or paint odor, “green” considerations, color variety, sheen selection, specific chemical and preservative ingredients, and ease of application.
When we consider if a paint is “green,” we look at the presence or absence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs release gasses into the air that cause a strong paint odor, and which can be harmful to people and animals, possibly causing respiratory problems as well as harm the air quality.
Along with these factors, we look at customer satisfaction and overall performance for the price. Here are our top recommendations for interior paints:
Source: finepaintsofeurope.com
Fine Paints of Europe created the Eurolux™ Interior Acrylic Paint line to serve as an odorless acrylic paint option, which has been perfected over the last two decades. The coating quality is unmatched by this remarkable paint. Many have compared the durability and scrubbable strength tile, with the same washability! It is both quick drying and Low VOC, making this a wonderful option for lasting beauty in any home. We recommend this in both kitchens and bathrooms due to its impeccable ability to be cleaned.
As an alternative, Eco™ Waterborne Paints by Fine Paints of Europe offer the benefits of both alkyd and acrylic formulated paints. With easy clean-up and application, this self-leveling paint dries to a beautiful finish while also being Low VOC paint, making it an eco-friendly choice. We recommend this paint for dining rooms, family rooms, and even bedrooms.
Source: Benjamin Moore
Aura by Benjamin Moore is another paint we recommend for homeowners specifically looking for a paint that goes on effortlessly. The Gennex color-technology in this paint has maximum performance for long-lasting results. As a paint and primer in one, this paint dries quickly and adapts well to different surfaces. We recommend Aura in bedrooms for its low VOCs and minimal-odor qualities. Additionally, Aura Bath and Spa is designed specifically for high-humidity areas like your bathroom.
Last, but not least, for interior paint Regal Select by Benjamin Moore has performed well for more than 50 years. With its unique formula, a wide variety of beautiful colors, and an easy-to-clean finish for all sheens, this paint is one of our favorites.
As a paint and primer in one, Regal Select performs consistently on many different surfaces. The greatest advantage is that it has zero VOC and low odor making this a versatile choice for any room in your home.
Exterior surfaces require paints that match the needs caused by local conditions. For homes that are near a body of water, for example, mildew-resistant paint will protect best; a stain- and dirt-resistant paint performs well in urban areas. Our exterior paint recommendations are based on specific attributes that may apply to your home’s unique needs.
Benjamin Moore’s Regal Select Exterior Paints offer optimum coverage with protection and durability. This paint holds up its appearance to weathering very nicely. This is due in part to the alkyd technology, which provides ultimate adherence to all surfaces. Its resistance to cracking, dirt, mildew, and color change make this a good overall choice for homes whose exterior requires extra protection from moisture and other elements.
Source: finepaintsofeurope.com
EUROLUXⓇ Housepaint by Fine Paints of Europe provides the advantages of both traditional oil formulas and modern acrylic features with a state-of-the-art formulation. Thanks to the advanced, durable coating this paint application is known for easy use. Weather resistance and environmental conscientiousness are associated with this paint which boasts superior adhesion to surfaces with flexibility making it a great choice for exterior paint as it stands up to numerous cycles of contraction and expansion that we see on the classic coast.
We use a number of different paint lines from these companies outside of these and always prioritize the highest quality paints. These are a simple selection of some of the best options as a starting point for you to consider. There are many paints on the market, with professional-grade paints offering the most technologically advanced qualities. Choosing one or more of these paints that are manufactured using the latest in paint-performance technologies will give your home greater protection and a better paint finish in the long run.
We know paint selection can be difficult, even confusing. Our mission at Bruno Painting is Upholding and Caring for Surfaces and Relationships. We take great pride in the carpentry and painting projects we do for Rhode Island homeowners and are excited to help you with the process of choosing the right paint for your home's interior and exterior. Contact us for a fresh coat of paint for your home!